Freedom Lovers
Comedy • Fitness & Health • Politics
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November 18, 2022
A lesson from the Babylon Bee

Hey there freedom lovers! The Babylon Bee was reinstated on Twitter a few hours ago after many months of being banned. There's a valuable lesson to be learned from them. So I thought I'd share out loud with you here what I learned and had potently affirmed if you care to consider it. LESSON: Stand by your principles no matter what.

It's easy to stand by our principles when it's easy to do. But it can be tempting to abandon them when staying true to them would carry an inconvenience, it would be hard, uncomfortable, loss of money, backlash, etc. Months ago Twitter told the Babylon Bee that if they just delete the tweet that they don't like, they'll happily reinstate their account. The Babylon Bee said "no," even though that meant they wouldn't be able to reach their mass of followers on the platform and therefore business funnel would have less money flowing to it.

In a personal conversation with the owner of the Babylon Bee, Seth Dillon, I asked him, "Why didn't you just delete the tweet." His answer was simple, "It's more important to stay principled." This made me respect him more. I also believe it made people even bigger raving fans of the Babylon Bee b/c it was them putting their money where their mouth is when it comes to truly standing for what they say they stand for (in this case free speech).

In the end Babylon Bee has been reinstated. But even if this wasn't in the cards, I do believe they would've been better and stronger for staying principled. I think there's a paradox when it comes to deciding to stay principled or to abandon principles when in a tough situation: Abandoning principles will often make things easier or better in the short term, but long term you'll be worse off. While staying true to your principles might make circumstances worse off in the short term, long term you'll always be better off.

So my concluding lesson from the Babylon Bee is: Stay true to my principles, ESPECIALLY when it's hard to do so. 💪
Please comment below with any lessons you've been gifted with watching this situation unfold. I'd love to learn from what you've learned, and I'm guessing other community members would too. 🙂

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October 20, 2022
Welcome to the Freedom Lovers Community!

I want you to be the first to access my comedy special, Please Censor This!

This is going to be an ongoing community to support the mission of freedom for us, our children and grandchildren. I'm going to be here doing weekly livestreams and sharing exclusive uncensored content. More importantly, this is a place where YOUR VOICE matters. I invite you to share information that is helpful, gives people ideas or something to make us laugh. Thanks for being here!

October 19, 2022
BONUS: Freedom Principles

Freedom lovers know that freedom is essential to having a good life for themselves and the future of their children and grandchildren. But a lot of people get frustrated, not knowing what they can do to be most effective at standing for and strengthening the freedom movement. In this special feature, JP shares the core freedom principles, that he had to learn the hard way, that will help make your freedom loving passion, actions, and contribution as potent as possible in creating the change that you want!

October 19, 2022
BONUS: Backstage Q&A Session with Freedom Loving Fans

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February 01, 2025

Due to a scheduling error while I'm traveling, I apologize that we're gonna have to reschedule today's stream! So sorry about this. Trump will sign an executive order to announce the reschedule asap!

January 23, 2025
January 21, 2025

January 6 prisoner for 4 years & 4 days incarcerated without a trial - Jake Lang is available tomorrow for interviews - please text us to book 570-281-8741

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